Monday, February 20, 2012

Upstairs and Downstairs.... Top 5 Favorite Moments of the Finale

1.  The big reveal of the scandal.  I'm so glad the truth is out.  And how Lord Grantham and Matthew responded.... their responses represented their characters so well. 

2.  "The Game"

3.  Lord Grantham's words to Mary after discussing the events with Mr. Pamuk... "I don't want my daughter to be married to a man who threatens her with ruin.  I want a good man for you.  A brave man.  Find a cowboy in the middle West and bring him back to shake us up a bit."  I love Lord Grantham.

4.  When Lady Violet had a moment with Daisy in the parlor as she lamented over her "love" for William, "Well forgive me, but that doesn't sound unloving.  To me, that sounds as if you loved him a great deal."  Sweet.

5.  Well Maggie Smith has had some fabulous lines, but last night's response to Sir Richard's announcing they will never see each other again was by far my favorite... "Do you promise?"

Oh and, of course, Matthew and Mary.  But that goes with out saying.  I cried. 

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