Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Gratitude

#425 A wonderful start to the new school year. Precious class full of beautiful children who represent beautiful families.

#426 Routine

#427 A spontaneous weekend trip with dear friends

#428 A caramel apple that cost $8!

#429 New fabric.... ahhh.

#430 The Cherry Pit... and the sweet lady who reminded me how to miter my corners on my quilt.

#431 Late night laughter

#432 Singing old Sandi Patti with Mary Elisabeth... And the gift goes on, the Father gave the Son, And the gift goes on...

#433 Returning to happy children

#434 Andy, on one knee beside me, reading a blog I love out loud.

#435 Prayer together and then sweet sleep

#436 Morning hot coffee and egg casserole in the oven

#437 Rebecca's delight in doing Les Mis

#438 Waking Caroline for a new day and finding her wrapped up in the quilt that I made for her.

#439 Psalm 143:8 and sharing it with my students.

#440 Hearing Olivia pray it in our group prayer time

#441 Teaching them to search Your Word

#442 "Key Lime" pie for dinner.... the girls delight over "my hard work" to make it for dessert, just like I did when my momma made it.

#443 Another piece with Andy after the girls are fast asleep.

#444 Early morning breezes

#445 Early morning chirping

#446 Conflict with Caroline and learning together.... Proverbs 29:23

#447 Judy's tender words about God's purposes and plans, Mary E's lovely voice and a old song triggering sweet memories

#448 Singing "How Beautiful the feet that bring the sound of good news and the love of the King" along side of the "feet" of those who I worship NCC family... the Body of Christ.

#449 New faces in Morning Worship

#450 Emi walking out of service with her piggy tails and yellow ribbons holding her mommy's hand... black hand in white hand. The sweet life that God has given her in them and them in her.

#451 Caroline.... cute in her new dress for church with hot pink flower headband.

#452 Lessons learned through a 7th grade Bible Test... tears and then laughter.

#453 Lunch with Whitney... sharing deep.

#454 Unexpected party invite for Annaleigh and Caroline to play Laser Tag, their red faces, and fellowship with neighbors

#455 Steak Night

#456 2 Geese for Andy and how he swam to get them.

#457 Provision and rest for the weary

#458 Meeting Drew Rountree.. precious.

#459 Headache subsiding.

#460 Sunday afternoon nap.

#461 Hand-stitching the binding on Rebecca's quilt. Lavender and melon... so yummy.

#462 Dinner with the Collins, enjoying each others company.

#463 Watching Andy give Mia a bottle and how she relaxed into his arms.

#464 Conversation and laughter on the front porch in the dark.

#465 Spend the night playdate for Mabry and Rebecca, Chocolate Masks, Late night giggles, sweet friendship.

#466 Waking up headache free

#467 Morning rain showers

#468 Morning fellowship with You, Lord. 1 Cor. 2:6-16 Deep.

#469 One Thousand Gifts... a second time.

#470 ENCOURAGING words through an e-mail.

#471 Pajama Donut Run... and Pumpkin Donuts and Apple Cinnamon Donuts, a little taste of Fall...literally!

#472 TIME to sit here and reflect on all these "Gifts"...recording my "thankfuls"... that, in itself, is a GIFT!

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