At school, I think I secretly have the title among parents as the "Queen of Projects" teacher. Interestingly enough, because I
am a teacher, I am
not a big fan of assisting my own children with their afternoon school responsibilities (a.k.a. homework and projects). When I get home, I'm done with school. This character quality in their mother has taught my girls alot of independence over the years when it comes to homework. I like it that way. I do not like anything I have to "call out" to them.... especially spelling words. Blech. Thank goodness they are good spellers. Daddy, on the other hand, loves to "call out" anything...especially History Test Study Guide Questions. And my children, whether they wanted it or not, usually get an entire history lesson out of one study session with dad. He likes to elaborate.
Caroline just finished a Book Report that is due tomorrow. She did a mobile.... remember those? It is rather cute. It is hanging in our dining room for all of us to enjoy until tomorrow. Book Report Project....check.
what a cute mobile! loving reading your blog..thanks so much for introducing it to me!:)